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49. Reversals - Kitty Blue falls off the wagon.
Music: Torn by Keith Ganz, plus Gametone fragments.
Shelby Charbonnet: Rosalie Parks
Episode List

Talk to Kitty Blue:


Wow, what WAS that stuff Kitty ate from the fridge??? I want some!
Kitty makes a swell old Diva, though. Hi Kay, wish you'd come back to Winston-Salem. Best wishes, Ken R.


porn booth guy said:

Hey Kitty I might have a job for you, let's talk.


EBW wants to know: Is that the weight watcher's diet?


I think it was CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! The ONLY VICE LEFT!!!!!!! Guess who - my name begins with an "E" and ends in an "R"


Kitty Blue is starting to look and act a bit like Holly Golightly.


HI Kitty Blue. Hope you are well. that was a very poetic episode. aviva in NY


pop a Clarke obelisk, and see the world


that was sweet. we love the work on the jump, little children site too! that's how we found this. magnificently weird!

---mara and anna


Oh my KB..... i remeber when i saw this episode for the first time......i laughed until it hurt...when in reality it is not funny at alll.....it looks like KB is going through some rough painful times as we all do....the KB i knew would never walk around in that kind of get up.......but we all go through phases.....even though i doubt many of us have gone through a -dive phase- as Kb here is........ you better be glad you took a shower and washed all that shit all Kb (excuse my french) and what is that that Kb keeps eating? its like nothing i have ever seen

with regards-----mariah-----virtuallypainless@yahoo.com


Oh my KB..... i remeber when i saw this episode for the first time......i laughed until it hurt...when in reality it is not funny at alll.....it looks like KB is going through some rough painful times as we all do....the KB i knew would never walk around in that kind of get up.......but we all go through phases.....even though i doubt many of us have gone through a -diva phase- as Kb here is........ you better be glad you took a shower and washed all that shit off Kb (excuse my french) and what is that that Kb keeps eating? its like nothing i have ever seen

with regards-----mariah-----virtuallypainless@yahoo.com


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