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On the road from Mulege, business as usual.


We passed the usual Buss groupies,


and flashed the usual cool poses, just to tide them over.




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"Buss groupies"? What an egoistic thing to say. People like these morons make me ashamed to call myself American. I hope they get run over by their own bus.








We pulled into a small town that had maybe three stores:   the taco stand, the general store, and the Alcoholics Anonymous.   We were wondering about the AA when this guy came over to explain.

He waddled up, slurred a little spanish in our direction,

and his friend joined and insisted we stay at his ranch or something like that.  It was all very confusing.  This was quite a town:  Rina was getting comments from a group outside the general liquor store, we were all getting a hostile vibe from every direction, and Ryk was nowhere to be seen.   I revved the engine and concentrated on passing the seconds.  AA gave me my 5 minute chip and finally Ryk appeared.  He made his way through the two drunken idiots, I slammed the door behind him and gunned the throttle probably harder than is good for a vehicle this size, and with a lurch we got the hell out of town.   It's been weird all day, and Kayak John from Bahia de Los Angeles warned that Sunday is drunk day in Baja.



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When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.


There but for the grace of God ...


... in fact, in spite of this scariness, I think this will be the page where I don't actually make much comment at all...









It's the logical sequence:  church in the morning and tequila the rest of the day.


We stopped at one of the little roadside church kiosks to light a candle to the generally weird mood.


When we parked, a Camaro overflowing with drunken Mexicans drove up with two guys sitting on the roof with a bottle of tequila between them and so drunk their faces were blurry.  They were offering us something in slurred Spanish while we drove the hell away, with me relating to the scene in Apocalypse Now where they leave the boat in deepest Cambodia and get attacked by a tiger, and return screaming "Never leave the boat! Never leave the fucking boat!"   Never leave The Buss on Sunday in Baja.



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a touch of gringa paranoia casts a shadow over our timid travelers...??


Hangovers are like that ...


Paranoia yes. Maybe you should not come here with your gringas.


... it's like Baja turns into an Evil Dead movie on Sundays or something.







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